Understanding Cord blood pros and cons

All the therapies and treatments have its own plus and minuses. Similarly getting cord blood also has its own pros and cons associated with it.

For example a family might be having genetic diseases that may appear hidden in the genes for some generations. That kind of genetic diseases may also come into play in the present generation. Such disease can be treated with cord blood that is acquired from the umbilical cord of the new born baby.

Lots of diseases such as blood disorders, cancers, and immunodeficiency can be treated with the cord blood. These are some of the cord blood pros. One of the other cord blood pros is that it does not affect the recipient since the stem cells of the cord blood are in the primitive stage.

The risk of contracting a disease is minimal. Some of the donors donate the cord blood in the blood bank to cure such genetic disorders. If the donor’s main purpose of donating is to cure some genetic disease in their family then she must consult a doctor before donating the cord blood. Knowing the cord blood pros and cons would help you in taking the right decision.

Getting back to the cord blood pros and cons you can be sure that the cord blood that is taken is stored in a proper environment so that it can be used whenever there is a need for cord blood. Donating cord blood and storing it will help a particular race because there may be difficulty in finding cord blood donors for that particular race.

The cost associated with cord blood depends on the bank type whether it is private or public and for whom that cord blood is used. Nowadays insurance companies have also clause that support cord blood transplant.

You can consult your insurance company for more details on these. Apart from the relatives of the donor the cord blood transplant is costly for others. Surveys reveal that people who store cord blood and use them later when needed are very rare.

Moreover one another cord blood cons is that the size of the person for whom the cord blood is used also matters during a transplant. The amount of cord blood needed for a child and an adult vary.