About Cord blood research

Awareness on uses of cord blood cells in saving lives of patients with blood related diseases is increasing day by day. It is only natural that studies related to cord blood are also on the rise.

This cord blood research effort has been showing a lot of promising results. Though it is too early to say a lot we can feel assured that some day in the near future, these cord blood research centers will announce some form of cure using cord blood, for more and more diseases that affect humans.

Based on studies and research, Umbilical cord blood is being expected to help in the bone marrow transplantation needs of the curable blood related diseases.

It is also widely believed to help children in fighting certain curable blood related diseases that are caused by damage to stem cells.

Cord blood research has now extended from its initial limited scope to cover a wide gamut of afflictions – For e.g. genetic forms of cancers and a lot of other afflictions that affect adults.

Research has indicated that the cord blood that has been extracted and stored, can be used for the same child, when he becomes an adult.

While using the cord blood for adults, sometimes there might be a limitation on number of blood cells as they can be very less. Yet, cord blood research has indicated that a combination of related and non-related cord blood cells have shown successful results in nearly a hundred patients needing a stem cell transplant.

One of the directions being pursued by cord blood research is the idea that cord blood can also help in curing diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and some forms of neurological diseases.

A cord blood research was conducted on mice that had spinal cord injuries, by injecting them with cord blood.They seemed to recover their motor functions and showed faster recovery, when compared to other mice that were not treated with cord blood.

This result has also been extended on mice that were induced to develop other neurological diseases.Cord blood research on these mice indicate that, when given cord blood intravenously, a delay in the advancement of symptoms was noticed.Cord blood research is now being extended to studying Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

It might take some time for such a research to be conducted on humans and to confirm the results and come up with specific cures and procedures, but with the amount of research that is being conducted currently in the field of cord blood and the promising results that are being released, very soon, cord blood can help cure more and more diseases.