The need for Cord blood services

Cord blood has been found to be a major source of stem cells. This can easily be collected, stored and later used to cure the same person or any other matching person who is in need of stem cells to cure diseases like anemia.

As more and more people are realizing the uses and benefits of cord blood, the need for many cord blood related services are increasing.

For this reason cord blood related services are being offered by a number of hospitals, cord blood banks and various other organizations.

The first kind of service that is being provided is information distribution. Various kinds of information related to the uses of cord blood cells, the easy and safe manner in which it can be collected, the collection process, storage and retrieval etc are being spread using different media like pamphlets, news papers, articles, television advertisements etc.

This increases the awareness in people regarding the use of saving or donating the cord blood that is normally discarded after a baby’s birth and also provides a lot of information about the various services being offered by private as well as public organizations.

Other kinds of cord blood services offered differ based on the individual hospitals or the specific organization. In case of a public cord blood bank, the cord blood is collected free of charge from the hospital and then if found eligible, will be treated and stored.

This cord blood is available to a matching person in case a need for cord blood or stem cell arises. Public organizations provide this kind of cord blood services free of charge

Private cord blood banks offer some more services compared to public sector banks. In these cases a person might be able to store and reserve the cord blood from their baby for future use. This blood is available for the donor at any time they request for it.

These kinds of cord blood services are offered by private banks for a fee. This kind of storage is being opposed by a group of people as this facility tend to reduce the amount of cord blood that is available for any patient as people might tend to reserve the cord blood for private use even though they might not need it.

These opponents claim that if public cord blood bank services are encouraged and more donations take place, there is a good enough chance that anyone requesting for cord blood can easily get it and there might not be a need for reserving it at all.
