Human umbilical cord blood cells - Its Purpose & Advantages

The human umbilical cord blood cells have special properties that are used for the treatment of patients who are affected by leukemia and anemia.

Anemia is a condition in which the patient has a lack of blood cell production and leukemia is a condition in which the blood cells are over produced. Both these conditions pose problems to the patient.

Replacing the stems cells, that is primarily responsible for the production of blood cells, is necessary in this case.

If you want to replace the stem cells there must a good source for these stem cells. The human umbilical cord blood cells are an excellent source of these stem cells.

Hence these human umbilical cord blood cells are collected and stored in the cord blood banks for use whenever there is a need for it.

The human umbilical cord blood cells are collected from the umbilical cord of the baby after the baby is born. Even before the delivery of the baby the mother has to inform the blood bank of her intentions to donate the umbilical cord blood.

In such case the cord blood bank will make arrangements to collect the human umbilical cord blood cells. Donations to the public and private banks that are meant for storing human umbilical cord blood cells can be done.

Before the collection of the human umbilical cord blood cells from the baby the blood is tested for any infections or defects.If the blood passes through these tests then it is collected by the cord blood bank for storage.

The blood collection is done in a blood bag or a vial. Mostly a blood bag is used for collection and storage. The blood thus collected can be store for up to 10 years.

Special chemicals are added to the blood so that it is not damaged due to the low temperatures at which it is stored. Sub zero temperatures are used for the storage of the human umbilical cord blood cells.

The private banks that store human umbilical cord blood cells charge a fee for the services they offer. The public banks do not charge much and most of the services in these banks are offered at free of cost.

Stem cell transplantation is done to treat patients who lack blood cell production and also those who have over production of blood cells. The stem cell that are found in the human umbilical cord blood cells are used for this purpose.